From the President’s Desk.....

President Message

Dr. Isaac Kumar Raju Nethala, President.

Greetings to you in the name of Jesus.


I am privileged to invite you to be a part of the Centennial Celebrations of our Alma Mater, Flaiz Memorial Higher Secondary School of Seventh-day Adventists, Narsapur. Thousands have walked out of its portals and are now occupying prominent positions in the Adventist organization, Christendom and the Government. Hundreds have settled abroad, especially in the United States and United Kingdom. Many of those are from economically backward classes of the society and have been supported by Flaiz and other sponsoring agencies. As a result, Flaiz stands as a beacon of light which has shaped their lives and helped fulfil their dreams. Our pioneers have rendered selfless services to develop this institution. Former Principals & Presidents, other Administrators, Deans and

dedicated Teachers have contributed immensely in shaping the lives of those who went through this institution.


By God’s abundant grace we have achieved the following

in a span of a little over three years:

1.      Reconstruction of breached walls of the High School campus

2.      Repair & Renovation of toilets in the Girls & Boys hostels

3.      Remittance of long-pending denominational and local payables, staff and statutory arrears to the tune of Rs. 1.5 crore

4.      Approval from Division to issue certificates for four-year B Th program

5.      Installation of water purification plant for the students and staff

6.      Repainting of High School & Elementary blocks

7.      Installation of fire-safety system and equipment in the college

8.      Renovation of the Elementary School with new flooring and modern classroom furniture

9.      Air-conditioning of offices

10.   Renovation of the Boys Dean’s residence

11.   Construction and establishment of:

a.      New air-conditioned and fully furnished computer laboratory with 60 up-to-date computers

b.      New library equipped with books and state-of-art furniture

c.      New air-conditioned and fully furnished Multipurpose A/V hall

12.   Renovation of Staff quarters

13.   Relocation of the Platinum Jubilee monument and beautification of its premises

14.   Installation of a new projector and carpets in the Church

15.   Installation of 48” display units in the Computer lab, A/V hall and hostels

16.   Installation of CC cameras

17.   Erection of a main gate towards the National Highway with a concrete approach road

18.   Construction of vehicle parking area - adjacent to the Church and Constructed Rest-rooms for the Church.

19.   Erection of a Gate for the Church towards the National Highway with a concrete approach road

20.   Landscaping in front of the Church with a fountain

21.   Establishment of a College of B Sc Nursing (in progress)


Plans for development:

               1.      Repair and renovation of the Girls & Boys hostels

               2.      Installation of solar water heaters and additional fans in the Girls & Boys hostels

               3.      Repair/Renovation and equipping the dining halls (old & new) with new furniture

               4.      Installation of new classroom furniture in the High School

               5.      Installation of Projectors/Interactive LCD panels in the classrooms

               6.      Renovation and equipping the high school laboratories (Chemistry, Physics & Biology)

               7.      Construction of compound wall around the college campus

               8.      Construction of a netted play-area (Box cricket pitch)

               9.      Campus beautification and plantation

             10.   Air-conditioning of the Church with 16 AC units (2.2 Ton capacity)

             11.   Purchase of a new digital Piano for the Church

             12.   Completion of renovation of the old Auditorium

             13.   Renovation and modernization of the Kitchen

             14.   Purchase of full-fledged, portable outdoor PA system and lighting

             15.   Painting of Buildings:

a.      Girls & Boys hostels

b.      College block

c.      Dining halls

d.      Girls Hostel (New Block)

e.      Church building.


I am sure that the mighty Lord, through well-wishers like you, will certainly enable us to accomplish these plans for development.


In gratefulness to the Institution that has moulded us, I would like to appeal to you to generously contribute towards the projects for development and to support our work at Flaiz. You may donate either individually or

collaboratively towards these developmental projects. It may be on your personal behalf or in memory of your loved ones. I assure you that all funds will be used solely for the designated projects.


It will be our pleasure as we look forward to having you for the Centennial Celebrations from November 28-30,

2024. Please plan to be here to reminisce, to reconnect and to refresh your wonderful memories during your

sojourn at Flaiz and to reverberate your advent hope.


“Yours in pursuit of par excellence at Flaiz.”


Dr. Isaac Kumar Raju Nethala,


Flaiz Adventist College,


NARSAPUR - 534 275

W G Dt., AP,